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HPC cluster in the SIVVP project
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Papers' acknowledgment - Príklad poďakovania projektov pri príprave článkov
This work is supported by the
- project VEGA 2/0125/20 "New Methods and Approaches for Distributed Scalable Computing"
- project APVV-17-0619 (U-COMP) "Urgent Computing for Exascale Data"
- "PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale ChallengeS" (PROCESS) project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777533.
Skopírujte hore uvedenú vetu a umiestnite ju v špeciálnej sekcii "Acknowledgement", ktorá je po "Conclusion" a pred "References"
Pokiaľ využijete SIVVP cluster aj v spolupráci s partnermi mimo nášho oddelenia, tak poďakujte SIVVP projektu touto pridanou vetou v "Acknowledgement":
Simulations and technical realization were achieved on the hardware equipment obtained within
SIVVP ERDF ITMS 26230120002 (