Department of Parallel & Distributed Computing - Projects:
->internal wiki
- EOSC Beyond - EOSC Beyond: advancing innovation and collaboration for research (1.4.2024-31.3.2027) 101131875 [call HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01]
- SIESTA - Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics (1.1.2024-31.12.2026) 101131957 [call HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06]
- EuroScienceGateway - leveraging the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles (1.9.2022-31.8.2025) 101057388 [call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-04]
- iMagine - Imaging data and services for aquatic science (1.9.2022-31.8.2025) 101058625 [call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-06]
- AI4EOSC - Artificial Intelligence for the European Open Science Cloud (1.9.2022-31.8.2025) 101058593 [call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-04]
- Integrated Technological and Information Platform for wildfire Management
(1.10.2021-31.3.2025 +2 months most likely) H2020-101037247 [call H2020-LC-GD-2020-3]
- AI4CC - AI-Driven Self-awareness and Cognition for Compute
(1.7.2024-30.6.2027), APVV-23-0430
- INFOTICK - Getting the right info on ticks
(1.7.2023-30.6.2027), APVV-22-0372
- (VEGA-Hluchý) - Semantic distributed computing continuum for extreme data processing (1.1.2023-31.12.2025), 2/0131/23
- (SASPRO) - Manipulation of spin properties in 2D materials (1.9.2022-31.8.2024), SASPRO 2 Project No. 945478
- 2DQMC - Štúdium elektrónových vlastností 2D materiálov ultra-presnými metódami kvantového Monte Carla
(1.7.2022-30.6.2025), APVV-21-0272
- AIPOLOGY - Artificial Intelligence for Personalised Oncology: from Single-Sample Assessment to Real-time
Monitoring of Solid Tumours (1.7.2022-31.6.2025), APVV-21-0448
Finished projects: - TREX - Targeting Real Chemical Accuracy at the Exascale
(1.10.2020-1.6.2021-1.9.2022-31.3.2024), H2020-952165 [call H2020-INFRAEDI-2019-1]
- EGI-ACE - Advanced Computing for EOSC (1.1.2021-30.6.2023) H2020-101017567 [call H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020 / H2020-INFRAEOSC-2020-2]
- MAD - Development of machine learning models for high-performance computing (1.4.2020-31.12.2022) MAD with ISS NASU, Kyiv
- EOSC-Synergy - European Open Science Cloud - Expanding Capacities by building Capabilities (1.9.2019-31.10.2022) H2020-857647 [call H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020]
- SOON - Social Network of Machines (CHIST ERA, ERANET-Programme, 1.3.2019-30.4.2022, Z.Balogh)
- EOSC-hub - Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud (1.1.2018-31.3.2021) H2020-777536 [call H2020-EINFRA-2016-2017]
- PROCESS - PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale challengeS (1.11.2017-31.10.2020) H2020-777533 [call H2020-EINFRA-2016-2017]
- DEEP-HybridDataCloud - Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud (1.11.2017-30.4.2020) H2020-777435 [call H2020-EINFRA-2016-2017]
- MAD - Development of software tools for analysis and synthesis of schedulers for cloud computing (6.4.2017-31.12.2019) MAD with ISS NASU, Kyiv
- EGI-Engage - EU H2020 project: Engaging the Research Community towards an Open Science Commons (1.3.2015-31.8.2017) H2020-654142 [call H2020-EINFRA-2014-2015]
- REDIRNET - EU 7RP project: Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network (1.3.2014-31.8.2016) FP7-607768 [Call identifier FP7-SEC-2013-1]
- VENIS - EU 7RP project: Virtual Enterprises by Networked Interoperability Services (2011-2015) FP7-284984 [Call identifier FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF]
- EGI-InSPIRE - EU FP7 RI project:
Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe
(2010-2014) FP7-261323
[RI call 7 - FP7-Infrastructures-2010-2]
- MAD - Programming environment for adaptive development of high performance parallel software on heterogeneous platforms (2011-2013) MAD s ISS NASU, Kyiv
- SK-RO - Hybrid Medical Complex Systems (2011-2012), APVV COST SK-RO-0014-10
- EUSAS - EDA project: European Urban Simulation for Asymmetric Scenarios (2010-2012) A-0938-RT-GC
- SeCriCom - EU FP7 project: Seamless Communication for Crisis Management (2008-2012) FP7-218123 [call FP7-SEC-2007-1]
- Commius - EU FP7 project: Community-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs (2008-2011) FP7-213876 [call FP7-ICT-2007-1]
- ADMIRE - EU FP7 project: Advanced Data Mining and Integration Research for Europe (2008-2011) FP7-215024 [call FP7-ICT-2007-1]
- EGEE-III - EU FP7 RI project:
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III (2008-2010) FP7-222667
[call FP7-Infrastructures-2007-2]
[local pages] - INTAS - Data Fusion Grid Infrastructure. INTAS 06-1000024-9154. (1.1.2007-31.12.2008)
DEGREE - EU FP6 SSA IST project: Dissemination and
Exploitation GRids in Earth sciencE (2006-2008) FP6-034619 [call
IST-2005-, SSA] Coordinator: IISAS.
DEGREE is a Specific Support Action (SSA) project which aims to promote GRID throughout a large and diverse Earth Science (ES) community, in order to increase the awareness and uptake of GRID technology and infrastructure by EU Earth Science Industry and Research communities. - - EU
FP6 RI (III) project:
Interactive European Grid (2006-2008) RI-031857
[call FP6-2005-Infrastructures-7, RI]
- EGEE-II - EU FP6 RI (III) project:
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE II (2006-2008) RI-031688
[call FP6-2005-Infrastructures-7, RI]
- 3DSPATIAL - 3D Visualization of Spatial Data. Action Austria-Slovakia, SAIA 53s07.
- RANE - RAilway Network of Excelence. ESF, SORO/JPD 3-094/2005/NP1-033, 13120200104.
- ITPM - IT Project Management. ESF, SORO/JPD3-18/2005.
- K-Wf Grid - EU FP6 RTD IST project: Knowledge-based Workflow System
for Grid Applications (2004-2007) FP6-511385 [call IST-2002-, STREP]
Project K-Wf_Grid addresses the need for a better infrastructure for the future Grid environment. In order to address the complexity in using and controlling the next generation Grid, the K-Wf_Grid consortium will adopt the approaches envisioned by semantic Web and Grid communities in a novel, generic infrastructure, to assist its users in composing powerful Grid workflows by means of a rule-based expert system. - MEDIGRID - EU FP6 RTD SustDev project:
Mediterranean Grid of Multi-Risk Data and Models
2004-2006) GOCE-CT-2003-004044 [call FP6-2003-Global-2, STREP]
The MEDIGRID project aims to create a distributed framework for multi-risk assessment of natural disasters. The project will integrate models of forest fire behaviour and effects, flash floods and landslides, developed in frame of previous EC projects. These models will be upgraded to web applications in order to be able to run remotely as web services over the internet. A distributed repository with EO data, combined with field measurements will be created. - NATO project: Flood Forecasting on Grid Infrastructures (2004-2006) EST.EAP.CLG 981032
- EGEE - EU FP6 RI (III) project:
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (2004-2006) INFSO-RI-508833
[call FP6-2002-Infrastructures-2, RI]
The vision of the EGEE Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (III) is to create and deploy Grid technologies to enable the widespread uptake of e-Science applications throughout the European Research Area. To achieve this vision, EGEE will focus on four key objectives: * integrating Grid technological developments from across Europe; * establishing a Europe-wide Grid infrastructure for science and industry with a focus on heterogeneity and interoperability; * enabling the creation of e-Science applications from across the scientific and industrial spectrum; * ensuring the timely delivery of the projects programme of work, guided by the needs of academic and industrial partners. - 11th ERCIM Environmental Modelling Group Workshop on Advanced Technology for Environmental Modelling, 20-22 October 2003, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
EU FP5 IST RTD project:
A Platform for Organisationally Mobile Public Employees
(2002-04) IST-2001-34519
Project will design, develop and validate a flexible software platform for an important kind of knowledge management: to assist organisationally mobile workers at middle and higher levels of public sector organisation. - CROSSGRID -
EU FP5 IST RTD project: Development of Grid Environment for Interactive
Applications (2002-05) IST-2001-32243
Project will develop, implement and exploit new Grid components for interactive compute and data intensive applications like simulation and visualisation for surgical procedures, flooding crisis, team decision support systems, distributed data analysis in high-energy physics, air pollution combined with weather forecasting. - ANFAS -
EU FP5 IST RTD project: datA fusioN for Flood Analysis and decision Support
(2000-03) IST-1999-11676
When a flood is going to happen, decision makers have to decide what are the most appropriate reactions: evacuation of the population, reinforcement of dykes, etc. The ANFAS project will develop a support decision system for flood prevention and protection, integrating the most advanced techniques in data processing and management. This tool will help decision takers to limit flood damage. - KIT -
INCO-Esprit Keep in Touch: Parallel Processing Tools: Integration and
Result Dissemination (KIT) (1998-99) 977100-PPTIRD
The book written by the SEPP consorcium is already published by Nova Science. - SEIHPC - Stimulation of European Industry through High Performance Computing, EU Copernicus Network (1995-98) COP-94-00774
- SEPP - Software Engineering for Parallel Processing, EU Copernicus (1994-97) CIPA - CT93-0251
High Performance Computing Tools for Industry, EU Copernicus (1994-96)
Finished national projects: - ARIEN - Analysis of environmental influences on power industry equipment by
the methods of artificial intelligence and cloud computing
(1.7.2021-31.12.2023), APVV-20-0548
- ICONTROL - Intelligent Cloud Workflow Management for Dynamic Metric-
Optimized Application Deployment
(1.7.2021-31.12.2023), APVV-20-0571
- (VEGA-Štich) - Low-dimensional materials - manipulation, functionalisation and bioapplications: LOW-D-MATTER (2021-2023), 2/0070/21
- HYSPED - Research on the application of artificial intelligence tools in the analysis
and classification of hyperspectral sensing data (1.3.2022-30.11.2023), ESF
project, ITMS-313011BWC9
- (Nadačný fond SEPS) - Estimátor výroby FVE SR na báze inštalovaného výkonu, lokality, času a meteo veličín (1.1.2023-30.9.2023), SEPSPP23_003, [Grantový program: PRIAMA PODPORA 2023]
- (VEGA) - New Methods and Approaches for Distributed Scalable Computing (2020-2022), 2/0125/20
- SVASAS - Sports Video And Statictics Automation System
30.11.2022~31.5.2021), OPVaI-MH/DP/2018/2.2.2-20
- FaceControl - komplexné komunikačné zariadenie pre inovatívne riadenie
výrobných a podporných procesov v priemysle (1.3.2019-31.10.2020), OPVaI-MH/DP/2017/1.2.2-12
- U-COMP - Urgent Computing for Exascale Data
(1.8.2018?-31.12.2020), APVV-17-0619
- (VEGA) - Methods and algorithms for the semantic processing of Big Data in distributed computing environment (2016-2019). 2/0167/16
- CLAN - Cloud Computing for Big Data Analytics
(1.7.2012-31.12.2015), APVV project APVV-0809-11
- (VEGA) New methods and approaches on information processing and knowledge bases. (M.Laclavík / M.Šeleng) (2013-2015). 2/0185/13
- (VEGA) Selected methods, approaches and tools for distributed computing. (L.Hluchý) (2012-2015). 2/0054/12
- SIVVP, ESF project (15.1.2010-30.9.2015-31.12.2015, monitor till 30.4.2021, ITMS=26230120002) Slovenská infraštruktúra pre vysokovýkonné počítanie.
- KC-INTELINSYS - Competence Center for SMART Technologies for Electronics and Informatics Systems and Services, ESF project (1.9.2011-2014-31.10.2015-31.12.2015, ITMS=26240220072)
- CVR, ESF project (1.7.2012-31.12.2014-30.9.2015, ITMS=26240220082) Centrum výskumu rizík zásobovania vodou vel'kého mesta
- SMART-II, ESF project (2010-2014, ITMS=26240120029) Center of Excellence for SMART Technologies, Systems and Services II
- RIOT - Virtual and constructive modelling, training and
simulation of crowd behaviour in urban environment
(1.5.2011-31.10.2014), APVV project APVV-0233-10
- TraDiCe - Cognitive traveling in digital space of the Web
and digital libraries supported by personalized services and social networks
(1.5.2011-31.10.2014), APVV project APVV-0208-10
- RPKOM, ESF project (15.12.2010-2013-2014, ITMS=26240220064) Výskum technológií pre riadenie podnikových procesov v heterogénnych distribuovaných systémoch v reálnom c'ase s podporou multimodálnej komunikácie
- CRISIS, ESF project (25.10.2010-2013, ITMS=26240220060) Research and development of new information technologies for forecasting and solving crisis situations and for the security of populace.
- (VEGA) Intelligent methods for large scale information processing. (M.Laclavík) (2010-2012). 2/0184/10
- RECLER, ESF project (2010-2012, ITMS=26240220029) Priemyselný výskum v oblasti efektívnej práce s rozsiahlymi dátami v pouz'ívatel'sky orientovaných aplikáciách.
- (VEGA) Service-based distributed computing and data management. (L.Hluchý) (2009-2011). 2/0211/09
- DMM - Data Mining Meteo
(1.9.2009-31.8.2011+31.12.2011), APVV project VMSP-P-0048-09
- OptiMAT - Application of
Unconventional Control Methods for Optimization of Recyclation Production
Lines (1.9.2009-31.8.2011), APVV project VMSP-P-0168-09
- SMART, ESF project (2009-2010, ITMS=26240120005) Center of Excellence for SMART Technologies, Systems and Services
- AIIA - Adaptive Interoperability
Framework for Private and Public Sector (1.9.2008-31.12.2010),
APVV project APVV-0216-07
- SEMCO-WS - Semantic composition of Web and
Grid Services (1.2.2007-31.12.2009), APVV project APVV-0391-06
- (VEGA) Intelligent technologies for knowlege oriented organizations. (M.Laclavík)(2007-2009). 2/7098/27
- (VEGA) Methodology proposal and more accurate material tension diagram determination for elastoplastic numerical analysis improvement. (M.Dobrucký)(2007-2009). In cooperation with SjF STU. 1/4103/07
- (VEGA) Efficient tools and mechanisms for grid computing (V.Tran) (2006-2008). 2/6103/6
- Tools for acquisition, organization and maintenance of knowledge in an environment of heterogeneous information resources (ZNALOSTI, 09/2004-11/2007+03/2008) SPVV 1025/04 (SPVV) (IISAS, FIIT, UPJS and SOFTEC)
- INTAP - Application framework for interactive
Grid applications (15.2.2007 - 31.4.2008++31.10.2008), APVV project RPEU-0029-06
- GRID-TOOLS - Tools for preparation, effective execution and visualization of
applications and data management in Grid environment (15.2.2007 -
APVV project RPEU-0024-06
- RAPORT - Research and development of a knowledge based system to support workflow management in organizations with administrative processes (RAPORT, 01/2005-12/2007) APVT-51-024604 (APVT) (ÚI SAV + FIIT STU + AOS)
- (VEGA) Aktuárske vedy v nezivotnom poistení v podmienkach slovenského poistného trhu (M.Šeleng)(2005-2007). In cooperation with FHI EUBA. 1/2630/05
- Efektívne nástroje a mechanizmy pre škálovateľné virtuálne organizácie 2/3132/23 (2003-2005) (VEGA)
- Datová fúzia pre analýzu povodní a podporu rozhodovania 51-98-9245-00/2000 (MVTS)
- Optimalizácia vykonávania paralelných a distribuovaných programov (Optimisation of Parallel and Distributed Programs) (2000-2002) 2/7186/20 (VEGA)
- Automatická konfigurácia paralelných a distribuovaných programov (Automatic Configuration of Parallel and Distributed Programs) (1997-99) 2/4102/97 (VEGA)
- CASE prístup v programovaní priemyselných aplikácií v prostredí vysokovýkonných počítačov (CASE Approach in Programming Industrial Applications in High Performance Computers Environment) (1995-97) 95/5305/ 318 (GAT)
- Automatická konfigurácia paralelných programov (Automatic Configuration of Parallel Programs) (1994-96) x/xxxx/94 (VEGA)
- CEI Project PACT Programming Environments, Algorithms, Applications, Compilers, and Tools for Parallel Computation (1993-96)
- Monitoring Parallel Processing Systems with Distributed Memory (1992-94) (Slovak-Austrian cooperation)