datA fusioN for Flood Analysis and decision Support

EU 5FP IST RTD project

ANFAS is a three-years research project (January 2000 - December 2002), supported by the European Union (IST Programme) and the Chinese government.

Coordinator site - China site          

Local documents:
TELEMAC parallelization - a document extended abstract taken from with keyword "parallel"
Presentation for t12 rewiev meeting: ANFAS.ppt[3.5 MB] + film.avi[750 kB]
Plenary meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, Feb 15-16, 2001 [Minutes]
Photos taken at the Bratislava meeting (11 Apr 2000): [27kB] Not a pilot site: Krpelany (Turany) Levee [24kB]
English->Slovak hydro- vocabulary (slovník vodárskych pojmov)
FLDWAV digest from the primary WWW pages
FLDWAV->C translator tool for LINUX

-announce newsletter : SSG specials for Jul'00 Aug'00 Sep'00 Oct'00 Nov'00 Dec'00 Jan'01 Feb'01 Mar'01 Apr'01 Jun'01 Jul'01 Aug'01 Sep'01 Oct'01 Nov'01 Dec'01 '02
-free software : FLDWAV 1D flood wave simulation program (free source FORTRAN code, finite difference method)
-software : MIKE 21 2D engineering modeling tool for rivers, estuaries and coastal waters (finite difference method)
-book : H.Chanson: The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An Introduction
-software collection : HydroTools
-software : TELEMAC-2D solves the Saint-Venant equations using the finite-element or finite-volume method
-software : SMS - 2D surfacewater modeling package (finite elements)
-minutes : Visit by Roberto Fraile to Slovakia (16-17 October 2000) 3D
-software : CARIMA .
-software : SWEET : Shallow Water Equations Evolving in Time (conjugate gradient with an Additive Schwarz preconditioner, parallel - domain decomposition, finite element spatial discretization, finite difference discretization in time)

-similar project 1999-2001 : RESCDAM
-project1995-97 : model validation
-software : GIS - Mapping of Floodplain Inundation, DHI (Mike11 ...)
-paper : Integration of High Resolution Topographic Data with Floodplain Flow Models LIDAR
-BSc. thesis : CASE study with TELEMAC model (consuming times included)
-references : watermodeling | bibliography
-links to parallel numerical solutions : O2K/Cluster, FEM'2000, Survey, Overwiew, Pineapl, PARASOL, MUMPS, Newton-Krylov-Schwarz
-paper : useRMA2, 2Dmodelling, 2D?1D, Defence worsens flooding local
-links : KeyWATER, EPSRC
-links to similar projects : AVSI, RIBAMOD, CLIFF, SWEET from PCECOWATER, The European Energy and Water Balance Monitoring System Project ...