TObject | +------TprsParam
TprsParam is an abstract class. This method is the contructor of the class.
virtual ~TprsParam(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual void PrintValue(FILE
This abstract method prints value of the parameter to To file.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To,
char *Pre)
This function prints out values of data fileds of the object to To file and it prints Pre string at the beginning of every lines.
virtual bool GetValue(long
This function returns the value of the parameter in the *val argument. Return value is TRUE if type of parameter is long otherwise the function returns FALSE and *val remains unchanged. This is an abstract method which should be overwritten in descendant classes.
virtual bool GetValue(double
This function returns the value of the parameter in the *val argument. Return value is TRUE if type of parameter is double otherwise the function returns FALSE and *val remains unchanged. This is an abstract method which should be overwritten in descendant classes.
virtual bool GetValue(char
This function returns the value of the parameter in the *val argument. Return value is TRUE if type of parameter is char * otherwise the function returns FALSE and *val remains unchanged. This is an abstract method which should be overwritten in descendant classes.
TObject | +------TprsParam | +------TprsIntParam
long Value
Value of the parameter.
Constructor of the parameter object, it initializes Value data field to AValue.
virtual ~TprsIntParam(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual void PrintValue(FILE
This method prints out value of the parameter to To file.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To,
char *Pre)
This method prints out values of data fields of the object to To file and it prints Pre string at the beginning of every lines.
virtual bool GetValue(long
This function returns the Value of the parameter object in the *val argument. Return value of the function is TRUE.
TObject | +------TprsParam | +------TprsFloatParam
double Value
Value of the parameter.
TprsFloatParam(double AValue)
Constructor of the parameter object, it initializes Value data field to AValue.
virtual ~TprsFloatParam(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual void PrintValue(FILE *To)
This method prints out value of the parameter to To file.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To, char *Pre)
This method prints out values of data fields of the object to To file and it prints Pre string at the beginning of every lines.
virtual bool GetValue(float
This function returns the Value of the parameter object in the *val argument. Return value is TRUE.
TObject | +------TprsParam | +------TprsStringParam
char *Value
Value of the parameter.
TprsStringParam(char *AValue)
Constructor of the parameter object, it makes a copy of AValue and stores it in tha Value data field.
virtual ~TprsStringParam(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual void PrintValue(FILE *To)
This method prints out value of the parameter to To file.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To, char *Pre)
This method prints out values of data fields of the object to To file and it prints Pre string at the beginning of every lines.
virtual bool GetValue(char
This function returns the Value of the parameter object in the *val argument. This is the address of the original character string. If you are going to modify the string you must be make a copy of it before the modification. Return value is TRUE.
TObject | +------TCollection | +------TprsValueColl
char *Name
Name of the parameter.
Constructor of the parameter value list object class. AName is the name of the parameter.
virtual ~TprsValueColl(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To,
char *Pre)
This mathos prints out value of data fields to To file and it prints Pre string at the beginning of every lines.
virtual void WriteGRP(FILE *To,
int Ind)
This function generates GRP code of the parameter in To file and indents line by Ind characters.