Constructor of the base class.
virtual ~TObject(void)
Destructor of the base class.
virtual int Init(void)
Initialization of the base class. It must be called after constructor immediately when a new object is instantiated. When no error occured during this function it returns 0.
TObject | +------TCollection
ALimit, TIndex ADelta)
Constructor of the collection class. It prepares room for ALimit items. If more items insterted into the collection it will extend the collection with allocating room for more ADelta items.
virtual ~TCollection(void)
Destructor of the collection class. It disposes every items stored in the collection.
void *At(TIndex index)
This function returns address of item stored in the collection at position specified by index parameter.
virtual TIndex IndexOf(void
This method returns index of Item item. If this item is not stored in the collection then Error method is called.
virtual TIndex index_of(void
This method returns index of Item item. If this item is not stored in the collection then -1 returned.
int GetCount(void)
This function can be used to find out how many items are stored in the collection.
void Pack(void)
virtual void SetLimit(TIndex
This method changes the size of the collection. [???]
void AtFree(TIndex
This method deletes the item from location Index and then disposes it.
void AtDelete(TIndex
This method delets item from location Index but it does not dispose it.
void Delete(void
This function delets item Item from the collection but it does not dispose it.
void DeleteAll(void)
This function deletes all items from the collection but it does not dispoe them.
void AtInsert(TIndex
Index, void *Item)
This method inserts a new item Item to the collection at position Index.
void AtPut(TIndex Index,
void *Item)
This method replaces item at location Index with item Item.
virtual TIndex Insert(void
This function inserts item Item to the collection. The new item will be appended to the and of the collection.
void *FirstThat(TTestFunc
Test, void *Arg)
This method can be used to search for a specified item of the collection. It calls Test function until it returns true. It passes actual item as first parameter and Arg as second. It tries first item of the collection first.
void *LastThat(TTestFunc Test, void *Arg)
This method can be used to search for a specified item of the collection. It calls Test function until it returns true. It passes actual item as first parameter and Arg as second. It tries last item of the collection first.
void ForEach(TAppFunc
Action, void *Arg)
This method calls Action function as many times as items exists on the collection. It passes actual item as first parameter and Arg as second.
void Error(TIndex Code,
TIndex Info)
This method is called if an error occures for example index is out of range. It exits the program by default with Code exit code, so if you are going to use your own error recovery mechanism you must override this method.
TObject | +------TCollection | +-------TSortedCollection
bool Duplicates
This field specifies any item can be inserted to the collection more than onece.
ALimit, TIndex ADelta)
Constructor of the sorted collection object calls inherited constructor with parameters ALimit and ADelta and then initializes Duplicates field to false.
virtual ~TSortedCollection(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual bool Search(void
*Key, TIndex &Index)
This method uses binary search to find an item which has Key field. Index of the item found will be returned in Index parameter and the function returns true. If nothing found then return value of this funcion will be false and Index contains location where the item should be placed.
virtual TIndex IndexOf(void
This function returns the index of specified Item or ccNotFound if item is not found.
virtual TIndex Insert(void
This method inserts Item to the collection.
virtual void *KeyOf(void
This method should return the address of the key field of the specifiied Item.
TObject | +------TCollection | +-------TSortedCollection | +----------TStringCollection
ALimit, TIndex ADelta)
Constructor od the string collection calls inherited constructor first with parameters ALimit and ADelta and then initializes Duplicates field to true.
virtual ~TStringCollection(void)
Destructor of the object. It disposes all string belongs to this collection.
virtual int Comapre(void
*Key1, void *Key2)
This method overrides inherited comparison and compares items as strings.
virtual void FreeItem(void
This function disposes Item and assumes that it is a string.
TObject | +----TCollection | +-----TSortedCollection | +-------TStringCollection | +-------TUnsortedStrings
ALimit, TIndex ADelta)
Constructor of the unsorted string collection.
virtual ~TUnsortedStrings(void)
Destructor of the class.
virtual int Comapre(void
*Key1, void *Key2)
This method overrides inherited comparison to make items unsorted.
virtual bool Search(void
*Key, TIndex &Index)
Because collection is unsorted it is required to use linear search instead of inherited binary search method.