TObject | +------TprsGroup
char *Name
Name of the group.
PCollection Params
Collection of parameters stored in this group. Every item of collection is a TprsValueColl.
TprsGroup(char *AName)
Constructor of group object. AName will be the name of the group.
virtual ~TprsGroup(void)
Destructor of the object.
PprsValueColl GetParam(char *AName)
Get a parameter. AName is name of the requested parameter. This function returns NULL if AName is not found.
void DeleteParam(char
Delete parameter called AName from the group. If the parameter does not exist then this method does nothing.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To, char *Pre)
Printing out values of data fileds of the object. This function prints out Pre string beginning of every lines.
virtual void WriteGRP(FILE *To, int Ind)
Writing out object into the GRP file To.
TObject | +-----TCollection | +-------TprsGroup
int Type
Type of the groups collected in this collection. [???]
TprsGroupColl(TIndex ALimit, TIndex ADelta, int AType)
Constructor of the object. AType is the type of the group collection.
virtual ~TprsGroupColl(void)
Destructor of the group collection.
PprsGroup GetGroup(char *name)
Get group named name.
PprsValueColl GetValueColl(char *GroupName, char *ParamName)
Get parameter named ParamName from group GroupName. Note that every parameter is a list of values. Returning NULL if group or parameter doesn't exist.
bool GetValue(char *GroupName, char *ParamName, int ParamNum, long &Value)
Get specified (ValueNum) value of a parameter ParamName from group Groupname. This function returns address of the value in Value (or NULL if error occurred) and returns TRUE (or FALSE in case of error). It doesn't check the actual type of the parameter's value, so it MUST be an integer value.
bool GetValue(char *GroupName, char *ParamName, int ParamNum, double &Value)
Get specified (ValueNum) value of a parameter ParamName from group Groupname. This function returns address of the value in Value (or NULL if error occurred) and returns TRUE (or FALSE in case of error). It doesn't check the actual type of the parameter's value, so it MUST be a float value.
bool GetValue(char *GroupName, char *ParamName, int ParamNum, char *Value)
Get specified (ValueNum) value of a parameter ParamName from group Groupname. This function returns address of the value in Value (or NULL if error occurred) and returns TRUE (or FALSE in case of error). It doesn't check the actual type of the parameter's value, so it MUST be a string value.
virtual PprsGroup MakeGroup(char *name)
This method makes a new group with name name. If you are going to use youre own type of groups you should override this virtual method.
virtual void ShowData(FILE *To, char *Pre)
This function prints out values of data fields of the object and it prints out Pre string at beginning of the produced lines.
virtual void WriteGRP(FILE *To, int Ind)
This function writes group collection into the To GRP file.