New features in version 0.22.0 ============================== Grapnel library has been included into the package again. A new option (-P) has been introduced for `grppars' and `grp2c' programs. This option has one parameter which determines what the parser should do when it find a parameter redefinition. Valid options are: -P a Append. New values of the parameter will be appended into existing list of values. -P o Overwrite. Old values of the parameter will be deleted and replaced by new values. -P e Error (default). Parser stops with an error message. GRP parser ---------- TprsGroupColl::getValueColl() function in has been completed. TprsGroupColl::GetValue() functions in have been completed. Bug in TprsStringParam::PrintValue() method has been fixed to print out parameter value into HTML form more correctly. GRP code generator ------------------ Bug in code generation of IFB-IFE items has been fixed. Bug in code generation of channel creation has been fixed. Bug in code generation of LOOPB-LOOPE has been fixed. Bug in code generation of SWITCHB-SWITCHE has been fixed. GRP library ----------- A new function `grp_start_server' has been introduced and every pvm calls have been moved from generated server programs into it. May 22, 1996.