#define byte unsigned char #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define bool intThese macros are used everywhere in the program.
enum prsTPHeaderType {phtGlobal, phtLocal , phtHeads};
prsTPHeaderType defines constants to identify type of the process's headers.
#define prsthEditor 0
#define prsthMapping 1
#define prsthDebug 2
#define prsthMonitor 3
#define prsthHardware 4
#define prsthLast 4
These constants are used to identify type of parameter groups.
enum prsTProgType {ptSEQ , ptCAI , ptCAO , ptCAIALT, ptLOOPB , ptLOOPE , ptSWITCHB, ptSWITCHE, ptIFB , ptIFE, ptGRAPHIC, ptDUMMYB , ptDUMMYE};These constants identify type of program items.
enum prsTPortType {prtIn , prtOut , prtInOut, prtMulticast, prtScatterm, prtReduce, prtGather}; enum prsTComputation {comNone, comSum, comProd, comAvg}; enum prsTDataType {dtChar , dtInt , dtFloat, dtDouble, dtUnknown};
These constants identify type of ports (prsTPortType) and type of data which will be sent through the port (prsTDataType). prsTComputation type is used to represent computation which must be done by the reduce port.
enum prsTConnType {ctIn , ctOut};Type of connections between program items.
enum iopType {iopBlocking, iopGuard};
These symbols are used to identify specific options of program items.
enum iopValue {iopBlocked, iopUnblocked};
Values that can be assigned to specific option of program item.