Department of Parallel & Distributed Computing Publications and Citations:
[318+ references]           [-->acknowledgment generator][new]   [-->phpMyPapers database]
2007 [26+ references]
2006-1994 [271 references]:
1996-1986 [39 references]

Citations [102+ references]

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confidential: Presentations, Proceedings
Interesting links:
World Wide Science
IEEEexplore (sef ma zaplatene)
SCOPUS - prijemne hladanie citacii a publikacii vo WoS
GOOGLE SCHOLAR - publikacie a citacie on-line (nielen WoS ale cely WWW)
CiteSeer Scientific Literature Digital library
Web of Knowledge WOK - kombinacia viacerych sluzieb (WoS, CC,...)
ISI Knowledge
CC Journal Search

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Ústredná knižnica SAV: knihy, periodika
IEEE digital library

Free WSEAS books.

pristup do plnotextovej multidisciplinarnej casopiseckej databazy Oxford Journals do 30.nov.2007
fulltext (1997-..) Science Online vydavatelstva AAAS
Elsevier's Journal of Information and Computation - full texts - till Aug 2006
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA Illumina) bibliograficke, abstraktove a plnotextove databazy
DOAJ free journals
Ei Compendex (Silver Plater) - databaza abstraktov technickych studii, clankov z casopisov a zbornikov konferencii >2600 inzinierskych casopisov od r.1970
Computer Science Bibliography Uni Trier, databaza referencii
ENGnetBASE databaza online priruciek a monografii
EBSCO - pristup do siedmich bibliografickych databaz [heslo na info, directors]

Full-text search:
SUWECO John Wiley & Sons - journals [do jula, alebo do 1997]
Wiley InterScience
ScienceDirect Elsevier Science >1200 (predplatenych 294) Scirus
Science OnLine - abstrakty (fulltext iba z citarne na Patronke a na Klemensovej)
IDEAL >170, tematicke okruhy, IDEAL FIRST, J.of Par.Distr.Comp.
Springer LINK journal fulltext database and abstract search for books (USA) >400
JSTOR >300 (spolocenske vedy, ekologia, botanika) (cez proxy!)
EBSCO EIFL Direct >3300 + 2000 (spolocenske vedy + medicina) (cez proxy!) alebo radsej EBSCO EIFL Direct (cez proxy!) a fyzika tuto
BLACKWELL do konca 2002 (proxy!) full-text: Information Systems Journal + J.of Computer Assisted Learning
ProQuest 5000 + Medline (prevazne lekarske)
IOP - Institute of Physics

časopisy odoberané na ÚI
databaza INSPEC volne pristupna do 1.5.2002

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