Schedule of 3rd Plenary meeting of ANFAS

 To be held at II-SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia, Thursday-Friday, 15-16 February 2001

 The objectives of the meeting are:
- Evaluate the status of the project and the work accomplished the last 6 months
- Discuss on the specific of each pilot site
- Information about input-output data (Lidar contract with Geodis company)
- Determine work to be done the next months
- Prepare for the second Brussels meeting


Thursday February 15, 2001
9:00 - 12:30: Presentations of WP leaders. Presentation should provide an overview of work accomplished, existing situation, problems
WP1 - P. Prastacos, Chinese representative
WP2 - S. Maybank, Chinese representative 
WP3 - F. LeDimet, Chinese representative
WP4 - F. Giraud, Chinese representative
WP5 - P. Hudry
WP6 - B. LeDantec
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 -2:30 Individual discussions in WPs: 1,2,3,4,5
2.30 - 4.00 Deliverables D3.1a, D3.2a,D5.1, D6.2,D8.2,
4.30 -6.00 The pilot cases - Presentation should provide an overview of the work needed for the specific pilot sites. Problem definition, data availability, modeling efforts etc.
Chinese pilot sites 
Vah river
7:00 Dinner 

Friday February 16, 2001
9:00 - 12:30 Interaction between WPs 
WP4 - WP3
WP4 - WP5
WP1 - WP3
WP2 - WP1
12:30 -1:30 Lunch
1.30 -5.30 Discussion for the second Brussels evaluation meeting
Open questions by pilot sites, modeling, GIS, computer vision, softwareintegration, management