ANFAS 3rd Plenary Meeting


15-16 February 2001

THURSDAY MORNING (9h00 to 12h30)

Discussion on the upcoming PMC meeting

- Change of scientific co-ordinator
- Recent discussions with EU co-ordinator
- First review of document related to work carried out and existing state of the art of the project.
- Documents to be finalised on the second day of the meeting

System architecture review
- Review of the "System Requirement" Document : (data flow coherence, nature of data)
- Round table on the "System Design" Document
- Discussion on ArcView 3.1 vs. 8.1
- Final agreement on the system architecture

WPs review 
- Review of rewritten WPs (WP2,WP3
and possibly others )
- State of the art and difficulties for each WP

THURSDAY AFTERNOON (14h00 to 18h00)

A snapshot of the state of the art in the three pilot sites
A half hour presentation for each pilot site (
Loire-BRGM, Vah-II-SAS, Jingjiang-IOA ) covering:
a) Available GIS datasets today
b) DTM and other datasets to be produced by WP2
c) Model to be used
d) Impacts to be assessed
e) Scenario definition

Discussions and Definition of the numerical models to be used in each pilot site
- LoireFX Le Dimet
- VahFX Le Dimet - L Hluchy
- JingjiangYang - Ma

- IPR on Carima

End user requirements in each pilot site
Defining impacts assessments and scenario parameters.

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FRIDAY MORNING (9h00 to 12h30)

Detailed planning for Demonstration or Walkthrough
Discussion on whether it is possible to present a demo during the review in April. Selection ofa site and the functionality of the demo. Defining the tasks to be done within each WP and preparation of a detailed schedule.

Final review of the documents for the PMC

Final approval on the final version of the documents on the work carried out and the state of the art of the project.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON (14h00 to 18h00)

Documents due at the commission at T+12
- D3.1a (II-SAS), D3.2a(INRIA), D5.1 (Matra), D6.2 (ERCIM), D8.2 (ERCIM)
- Revised project programme

Interaction between the WPs in the next 6 months
Circulation of Data and elements between the different WP (example. WPaWPb and WPc, WPb WPc.). Establishing a blueprint of these connections.

Review Preparation(analysis of the previous failure, strategy for the second review)

Global planning for priorities (and defining a precise schedule)

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