11th ERCIM Environmental Modelling Group Workshop

Advanced Technology for Environmental Modelling

20-22 October 2003, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia

Conference program


Photos: 1. [118_pieces] 2. [124_pieces] 3. [34_pieces_in_one_ppt 3.8MB]


Ladislav Hluchý (Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)

Scope of the Workshop

The goal of the 11th workshop of the ERCIM Working Group Environmental Modelling is to present advanced technology for the risk management focused on application modelling, model coupling, adaptation of application for high performance computing ( HPCN), grid computing, problem solving environment, virtual organization, data management, intelligent agents, ontology, semantic web.  

Working group members and partners are encouraged to submit papers describing the methodological approaches and/or the application aspects of  advanced technology for the risk management.


The European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics is an organisation dedicated to the advancement of European Research and development in the areas of information technology and applied mathematics. ERCIM aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European Industry. Leading research establishments from fourteen European countries are members of ERCIM.

The purpose of an ERCIM working group is to build and maintain a network of ERCIM researchers in a particular scientific field. A working group is open to anybody affiliated with an ERCIM institute that has decided to participate in the working group. The activities of a working group can be subdivided into three areas: workshops, project proposals, mobility and fellows. Workshops are open to any researcher in the field.


The workshop is organized by the Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. For registration and advice on arrangements, travel and accommodation, please contact:

Workshop Secretary

Mrs. O. Schusterova

e-mail: sekr.ui@savba.sk  

Phone/Fax: +421 2 54771004

Submission of Papers

Authors are invited to send a 300 words abstract of their papers to be presented at the workshop to Ladislav Hluchý. Electronic submission by email as ASCII or HTML text to hluchy.ui@savba.sk with a copie to thomas.lux@first.fhg.de is encouraged. The deadline is October 3, 2003. The full papers will be published after the Workshop.


 Prices of accomodation in the SAS Congress Centre Smolenice


40 rooms are available at the Castle; however, there are only 9 single-bed ones. As to rooms with more than one bed, the price is the same irrespective of the number of persons accommodated in a room. I think this is a good opportunity to take accompanying persons with you. The rooms will be provided on the "first registered - first served" basis. Deadline for accommodation reservation is October 3, 2003 at Workshop secretary.


Rooms  with own bathroom:                 Price (Sk):        Number of rooms in the Castle:


1 bed                                                   1.000,-                           9

2 beds                                                  2.000,-                         13

3 beds                                                  2.250,-                           4

4 beds                                                  2.600,-                           2

Suite (2 beds)                                       2.600,-                           5


Rooms  with common bathroom:                       Price (Sk):        Number of rooms in the Castle:



2 beds                                                  1.500,-                         4

3 beds                                                  1.950,-                         3


1 EURO ~ 42 Sk


(In the case if you come sooner than Monday 20 October, you should book some hotel in Bratislava; the same case for staying longer.)


It is intended to publish all papers after the workshop in a special issue of the journal Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, Taylor & Francis Group.
The deadline has been prolonged till 15 March 2004.